The difference in scale varied from piece to piece. In some of my pieces scale was extremely important, in others it was none existent. In the works where scale was important, I tried to play with the extremes as much as I could. Scale was only important in two out of my four projects, but in those two (Second and fourth) I tried to make the difference in scale as apparent as possible, while in the other two (particularly the first) scale was not even incorporated into the work. The third also uses scale but to a lesser degree. The object of the third piece was to make sure none of my letters were fully visible on the page, that they all had a part of them falling off.
For the most part I just used the letters of my nickname and the first letter of my real name. I have always been drawn to working with the letters of my name, probably because I am so familiar with them. Working with the letters as a shape proved to be a challenge at first. It was still really fun to play with the letters a little before coming up with a project or piece of work I really liked.
The layers were a bit clunky at first, it was a little awkward learning how to navigate them properly, but after my first or second project was completed I found it pretty easy to manipulate them and make them work for me. All in all the Layer’s proved to be a great asset to my work. Mostly it was just practicing with them until I got them to do what I want them too.
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